Network Updates | Significant Rainfall in Western CanadaTuesday, November 23, 2021
Dear Customer,
We would like to update you on the situation in lower mainland British Columbia.
We are being advised that CP Rail gate restrictions have been lifted for dry exports. CP has confirmed that they are now accepting export traffic and pre-gate billed empties to Centerm/Vanterm/Deltaport from all terminals (except Vancouver Intermodal Terminal). Vancouver Intermodal Terminal remains closed for gate traffic until further notice.
This is of course subject to change based on network conditions. CP continues to monitor conditions closely as they work to restore service safely.
CN has also just advised that they expect their track to be passable early on Wednesday barring any unforeseen issues.
This too is subject to change, and we are advised that the restored areas will require on-going monitoring and maintenance as train operations resume. It is expected that trains in the affected regions will be under slow order. Congestion and delays in transit should be expected.