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Dear Customer,


Following is an excerpt from a recent Hapag Lloyd advisory.


CP Rail (CPR):

The CPR mainline outage in British Columbia near Lytton is now cleared.

Customers returning exports to inland CP ramps will be accepted, however, may need to check in with the trouble booth.


CN Rail (CNR):

The CNR mainline outage in British Columbia near Lytton remains in place. CNR is working on getting the inspection process complete.


CNR will be able to detour slowly over CPR tracks, effective Tuesday, July 6th.  The plan is to run 2 trains east & west today – pending confirmation on timing. However, until further notice, CNR is not accepting exports or providing reservations (RV's) at their inland rail ramps for westbound cargos.


Port Terminals (Vancouver):

Due to the fires and impact to rail car supply, Port terminals in Vancouver are congested and working at limited capacity.


GCT Delta Port outbound rail footage has been reduced and delays to scheduled vessels arrivals are anticipated.


The overall backlog is significant and customers may expect delays of 72 to 96 hours from today.



We will provide further updates as soon as they are available.





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